Changing the spec to get rubygem-* packages to build for 13.1/Tumbleweed/Factory
Johannes Kastl
2014-05-17 19:55:08 UTC
Hi (part2),

as I mentioned in my previous mail, I wanted to try out jekyll. As the
d:l:r: and d:l:r:e repos are not being built for tumbleweed, I linked
the packages to my home:-project (home:ojkastl_buildservice).

As my home builds for 13.1, TW and Factory, I had to workaround the
ruby packaging changes.

Basically I got it to work by using the following requires instead of
"BuildRequires: ruby-macros >= 2"
%if %suse_version <= 1310 BuildRequires: ruby %endif %if
%suse_version > 1310 BuildRequires: ruby-macros >= 2 %endif
I could not test the packages, as I got one unresolvable atm, so no
idea if they actually work. At least they are building, but I would be
happy to know the right way to solve/workaround this issue...

Your feedback is happily welcome!

- --
There are only two kinds of music: Rock and Roll.
(Keith Richards)
